
Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I was tagged a while back by Jessica @ Walking By Faith, and I just never got around to doing it. I figured since this is a new blog, I might as well go ahead and do it now! :D (Thanks for the tag, Jess!)

The tag:
The rules are: Please tag eight people and do not tag the one who tagged you. And if you would not like to answer a certain question, simply change it to one you like and answer that.

1-What song are you currently listening to a lot?
I've been listening to the Psalm 119 Scripture songs that I found on the internet.

2- What books are you currently reading?
Well, not currently reading any book at this present moment (today :P )except my Bible, though I do have several I need to get started on. :)

3-Do you sing a lot?
Yep, I do.

4-Sweet or salty?
Hmmm, that'd be a hard decision.. Probably salty.

5-What is your favourite hobby?
Reading probably.

6-What books have you read at least 3 times?
Just about all the ones I have. ;-)

7-What sites do you always visit when you get on the Internet?
My blog, my blogger dashboard
My flickr page
Gmail, now, too!
And facebook.

8-What was the last things you bought?
I think my camera was about the last thing I bought.

9 On a scale from 1-10 how witty are you?
3... maybe?

10-Favourite earliest memory?
Oh dear...  I don't rightly know!

11-What do you do to change your mood?
Read a book, pray, listen to my music, or go outside with the animals for a while.

12-What was the last meal you ate?
Last meal... let me think.. burritos! (And I probably didn't spell that right..)

13-Do you want to learn another language?
The only other "language" I know is Pig Latin, and I'm fine with that!

14-Five things you can’t live without
The Bible
My family and friends
My little animal friends :)
My camera... and computer

15- Find the closest book to you, and flip to page 54. What is the first sentence in the 2nd paragraph?
While our days on earth are lengthened,
May we give them, Lord, to thee:
Cheered by hope, and daily strengthened,
May we run, nor weary be,
Till thy glory
without a cloud in heaven we see.

16-What is something you would like to say right now?
I'm not going to tag anybody, but if any of ya'll want to do the tag, go right ahead! :D


Jessica Rebekah said...

Your welcome for the tag Lacy! :-D
I enjoyed reading your answers.


Noah said...

Now I know that you like to read :P I never knew that!